Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Oke, I've made up my mind. This morning, I decided to go, with a heavy heart. Why? Because my mum don't really like it. However, when I woke up, she told me that she'll allow me to go willingly. My heavy heart was released from its weight. I was delighted, happy of course. But there still is the 'unqualified' factor. Hence, when I went to see Mrs Tan, I decided to tell her the truth, pour everything out. So I put down my back, like a little child and began to talk. " But ... the thing is, I feel unqualified to go because there are only 5 people who applied and only 5 people is needed." I think I had my sad/worried look on. She replied, " Why should u? To tell you the truth, you were not the last to be picked. There is someone else lower than you." (Ok sure, guess I'm the 4th of 5 or something, but at least better than last ryte?) I was happy with her answer, that I could say!
Furthermore, " We won't choose people whose results are really bad, who we think can't apply for overseas universities, EVEN if we have placements. We want average B's and you got that, that is why I chose you. You just have to make sure that you don't have to take supp paper, because we just had a case, last semester, she had to retake a lot of her modules because she can't go back to do her supp, or else she'll fail her ITP and she'll have to do her ITP again another semester."
This is because I told her about my math problem. Then I told her I'll try my best and because I noticed that Universities WANT math as well. (She said that too and English then Science). That's why I'm trying to change. She noticed the D I got in Engineering Math I. I told her I was playful at that time ( true... + other factors like.. lazy =P) So yeah, will try my best to change this time around. If I were to get a C it would be good, better still B. But hard, unless if I do really well in the exams. She said Ok and that she has confident in me, just try my best. Hopefully, she had said the truth. 'Cos the way she say... and sometimes she doesn't really mean what she says you see...
So with these 2 people's assurance, my mum and my teacher, I decided with ease (sort of, mostly) and with a lighten heart. =)
And I just knew that its 6 wks instead of 3! Will have to confirm this again. But wow ... that IS long! I'll have to go there on a tight budget. Everyone in the family is chipping in for the $3k. *sigh* Might be higher because now the exchange rate is SG$1.26 = AUS$1.00 !!! Last time I went it wasn't even a dollar!
flaming notes by HyperHikari 9:52 PM
+ + + Tuesday, March 23, 2004
I need ure opinion. I applied to do overseas ITP (remember the working period that i went thru? yeah that one, going thru that again this semester). I got into the Royal Melbourne Institue of Technology. BUT I got in not because of my grades (it sux..) but because they NEED 5 people AND ONLY 5 people applied for it. So, I kinda feel totally unqqulified. further more, if i fail any of my exam modules, i CANNOT re-take it because i'll not be in singapore. Factors:
1) Its because I feel unqualified, that's why I don't feel like going, cos i feel like i dont deserved this, just by sheer luck that i got in. and the teacher told me that i must make sure i do not have to re-take any papers. and she gave me that look u know .. like she got not choice but HAVE TO pick me...
2) My mum is worried about me. the more she worry the more i want to go. how weird when i am so doubtful of going myself. But I can't always be near her ryte? What if i want to pursue my studies in other countries?
3) i WANT to go, it would be cool i guess to actually gain experience in a University lab/environment. Might prepare me for the future if I plan on studying overseas. I wanna gain some experiences, n how i fare being alone. well sure i got 2 other classmates going but still ... (am not close with them).
4) I need SG$3000. which is a LOT .... but im gonna chipped in and will try to cut down on expenses. argh i dunno.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 11:39 PM
+ + + Monday, March 22, 2004
Hye, I'm in school now. My friends are practising for the upcoming MATHCAD test. And I'm busily, happily, stupidly surfing the net. I didn't know that wanted to practice, hence I never bring the notes. =P Anyway, this picture reminds me of myself, of what I'm going through. And yeah, defenitely what my mum is hoping for!!! lol.
Courtesy of comics from
flaming notes by HyperHikari 10:58 AM
+ + + Wednesday, March 17, 2004
" Hell hath no fury a woman scorned. " - Damn right, it doesn't.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 9:32 PM
+ + +
He appeared offline, uh what have to go to airport? So anyway, I went to this website. And found out that he is ONLINE. lol. He then, has no right to be mad at me for saying that to him, tomorrow. What does he thinks I am? A fool? Well, maybe I am a fool but not as foolish as him.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 9:28 PM
+ + +
I'm really frustrated with my group. That stupid guy kept running away from responsibility. The guys' supposed to do the discussions. So I reminded him to remind whoever is doing that to do it. Then he said he has to log off, he and another guy. Why can't they just do it? So I sms-ed the first guy to remind that personlah. You know what he reply? "Can u help me pls n tel dem? thx." Idiot why can't he just sms them? They are his friends! My blood is boiling ... guess what I replied? " Why can't you sms them I dunno who the hell is suppose to do discussion. Its between u guys wat. Cos we did de discussion fr last exp. " I know its kinda harsh. But I really am sick and fed-up with his heck-care attitude. *grrr!*
flaming notes by HyperHikari 9:21 PM
+ + + >> MSN trailers. A Cinderella Story looks cute. I like it when they make funny versions of old stories. Heh. Prince and Me looks interesting as well. Both of these stories, are of course soooo wayyyyy out of reality. =P
flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:39 PM
+ + +
Sleepy, should I have nap? Damn no CSI todae. :'( Got a test on corrosion science tomorrow. Theory, all theory. Hopefully, I can finish studying. Ah data sheet for practical haven't do! And its due tomorrow! Ack. =/ Let's see whether the guys remember that THEY have to do the discussions for this one. I bet they're gonna say, you girls do lah. Do your head. Muwahahaa. We already did for exp. 3. I remember! *evil smirk* I think I'd better take a nap. Cyaz later.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:19 PM
+ + +
I received my new lecture notes for Environmental Studies B yesterdae. I was hungry. I smelled it. It smelled like hotdogs. Believe it or not. It did. Or maybe I was just too hungry. But I wasn't that hungry.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:13 PM
+ + + Monday, March 15, 2004
Hull - one of the top three places to study Chemistry in the UK.
The Guardian has just released its assessment of the teaching in university departments. After top ten rankings in the last few years, Hull now stands at 3rd in the table of 60 UK Chemistry departments.
The table is based on a number of criteria that reflect the high quality of the teaching and student experience at Hull and the employability of its graduates.
We score particularly highly in the job prospects and in the value added scores. Job prospects are given a score of 10/10 reflecting the number of our graduates entering employment or further study at the end of their degree. The value added score indicates the quality of the student learning experience at Hull.
For more information on our courses for 2003 and 2004, please visit our UCAS pages.
If you would like to visit us to look around the department and to talk to us, please contact us.
As The Guardian says,
Chemistry "students leave university with many of the numerical and analytical skills liked by employers".
"It really is worth taking the time to visit on open days at least one or two universities you are considering to confirm or explode your prejudices."
Guardian website
Submitted Thu May 22 2003
Kool! But man, this sure is gonna make it much harder to get in .... =((
flaming notes by HyperHikari 4:49 PM
+ + +
Ok, finished the tutorials that I'm supposed to do for the math re-test. phew. Yeah I failed it, not really a suprise, considering math is my weakest subject, what more integration? Hopefully, I'll do better or at least am able to pass the re-test. Only 50% of the marks will be taken. Btw, I went to the UK universities exhibition @ suntec city last saturdae. Didn't went alone, of course. Went with Menot, Sya2 and Joanna. I tell you, that Joanna was reluctant to go, guess it was aprtly my fault. I admit it. But she said anything so ... Anyway, my point is, if she's reluctant don't ever ever ask her, especially when there's some walking to do. She whine and complained that walking at CityLink to Suntec is far. It will only take you at most 10 - 15 mins. That sure is ain't far for me. Well, yeah, she looked like she had walked for an hour when we reached there. She was shy, so I was the one who had to go and ask around. And I just noticed that we only asked about Pharmaceutical courses. 'Cos she said, its much more interesting than just studying chemisty. It's true I guess, would you like to study organic chemistry for the next 2 - 3 years? Err ... So yeah, she wanted to go to those top university. Then she complained that she felt depress because they don't look at Poly students. *sigh* Who ask her to look for only top unis. Personally, I went looking for those that is a bit uncommon, maybe not so good but hey at least they treat you nicely. Those top universities speaker are damn arrogant. So what if I'm not an A level student? I took O levels, which is YOUR standard to reach where I am. Sure A level's is much much better than O's but I'm just trying to say that, being in a poly isn't very much different. Hell, we even pay higher fees... Heh. Only that we don't cram everything into one book/subject, we spread it out through the 3 year course. Sure it's depressing after hearing the ignorant people rejecting you. Oke, that was a bit too harsh. However, they could have been much much nicer!
When I'm asking and not Joanna, I was irritated when she kept dissappearing. What? Hello~ I was the one who had to ask those people and she just has to listen. She can always stand beside me or something. She will go like hide behind me and kinda go a few steps away ... she's suppose to listen to, 'cos she was the one who wanted to ask most of the universities. The few tops one. I felt alone man, betrayed, abandoned. Sheesh.
Anyway, I wanted to try the University of Sunderland, Joanna was talkative there 'cos the representative was a chinese lady from Malaysia. Why can't she be the same for the rest? Haiz... Anyway, I forgot her name, she said that their science department is one of their strongest. She described how Sunderland is, fees bla bla. After that, Joanna commented that having being the strongest department in their Uni doesn't mean its good. I went like ... *sigh* true ...
Those known universities? We only got to know, Ohh you can email this person and ask about or what kind of courses they have.
Then Menot told me that the University of Hull has the Criminology course. Knowing that I love to read true crimes, she asked me to try and go there. So I went and asked about it. But it soon when to a science-chemisty course related talk. She was a very friendly and nice person as well. She gave us a brochure on living costs, chemistry courses and international students. We don't get those at the top Unis. lol it seems like I'm complaining a lot on those top Unis uh. Well yeahhh... was kinda dissappointed at the way they treat non A level's students. So back to my story, after I reached home, I read through the chemistry brochure. Found out that they have a course called "Chemistry with Forensic Science and Toxicology. " I went like O_O !!! Forensic Science! Hmm, CSI! Hahahaa... Well yeah so I went to surf at its website, found that its quite a nice place. 2.5 hours away from london, near Europe, your accommadation will be near to your department, estimated around 5-10 minutes away. Sounds good enough. AND I found out that their chemistry department is top 10 in UK. Sounda good enough! Haha. But will the ceritficate be accepted in Singapore? Now that's another question altogether. I think next year, I'll have to go and ask my lecturer more about this. Who knows, sometimes, some companies are just too choosy. They won't accept or even look at certain Unis' certs.
Btw, to take a look. =))
Next question, will I be able to work in Singapore with such a cert? I mean, Singapore is such a small country! Should I study what I like or what I'll be able to work in, in Singapore? I would like to choose the first... but I'd like to work in the industry I specialize in too somedae! Another big *haiz*.
So what is that course about you may ask? Here it goes (copy and pasted from its webby) : Chemistry with Forensic Science and Toxicology. Forensic science provides invaluable and often unique evidence from the investigation of disasters, accidents and criminal activities. This multidisciplinary activity relies on a good understanding of chemistry, and our programme provides that essential background during its first two years, with introductory modules in forensic science, analytical chemistry and toxicology. The final year(s) are dedicated to those specialisms, with emphasis on problem solving and forensic science cases.
Joanna was so anxious to leave, actually I had wanted to linger on longer and still ask around. I don't think I would like to ask her out on such a trip again. Just a waste of my time persuading her. I feel quilty as well, but she said she doesn't mind going ... so... anyway she was anxious to go the food fair, to eat. I bought cream puff in choc that dae and gelato lemon sourbet the next dae. That too she wasn't long, doesn't matter anyways, we already are at the food fair, not really important. And I understand she has organ lesson as well. So yeah ... but that's like later on. Actually, I don't really mind but I was a bit irritated and dissappointed that she wanted to leave so fast during the UK exhibition. Anyway, I bought Mee Soto for $3 freaking dollars. It's expensive considering the amount of chicken/taugeh you have inside. $2.50 would be better I think. I don't know maybe it would have been worth it if it was Bee Hoon soto 'cos it would look more. I guess she put a lot but using the yellow noodle... you don't really see it 'cos the noodle is already big. Fortunately, the taste was fine. If it had been horrible I'll be soooo damn frustrated. I bought this Soto at Banquet at Raffles Hospital, for $3, it is sooo damn freaking not nice, too much spices I guess and the soup is unclear, very turbid, I don't like.
lol, I feel like I'm writing a composition, guess it's kinda long uh? Well, I'd better go now. Gonna take a nap. Later on will have to study for Organic Synthesis and Reaction Mechanism's test tomorrow. Wish me luck, its not going to be an easy paper. I was already struggling for its first paper which was claimed very easy by him. What more this paper? When he said its going to be harder. *frowning*
flaming notes by HyperHikari 4:35 PM
+ + +
Heylo, got back early from school todae. Reached home at about 12:20 noon. I bought a bottle of Sprite Ice, BBQ flavoured twisties and two packets of the infamous mini teddy grahams! What am I doing here? I have 10 more minutes before I'm suppose to study. So yeah, hopefully I will ...
Anyway, menot, if you remembered what my friend and I talked about on the MRT, about this guy who's kinda afraid of me? Not the one yg cepat merajuk, but the other. Well, after the practical, we were spreading the questions out, who do what. So I chose no. 1 and my friend chose no. 2. She told him that we'll be doing 1 and 2. Then you know what he said? He said how can, this is easy (excuse me, I have to do over 20 calculations, its tedious) WE did the WHOLE of exp. 4. I really hate it when he goes like this, he thinks I have forgotten aye? Nope, I did not. So I replied, What? You guys WERE supposed to do exp. 4 yourselves. Because we girls did the WHOLE of exp. 3. Then he went like yah yah ... *geez*. He tried to do this again during exp. 4, he went like eh you guys do this qn and we do that, I went like hello~ YOU guys volunteered and am supposed to do the whole of exp. 4 do not think that I do not remember. Then he went like, oh shit she remembers. What does he think I am? A forgetful girl? Bakka.
I think it is gonna rain again. I hear thunder. Ooo yep it has begun! *brrr* cold.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 1:59 PM
+ + + Sunday, March 14, 2004
Few minutes left before I sleep. Didn't practice much for math todae. *sigh* Hopefully, tomorrow will be a much more productive dae. Went out with mum to the food fair todae. No food for us muslims defenitely, well there was 2 or 3. Ate the gelato ice-cream again. *yum!* Bought the lemon flavoured, sour!!! Bought 'clean' water that went through reverse osmosis for 50 cents. lol. Just felt like wasting a few cents on that. Oke oke, I know it's a waste but just out fo curiosity you know? =)
What's with the title you may ask? Pathogenic realm of the undead. Was inspired by my environmental studies B module, which I just had a quiz on. Pathogens - disease causing organisms. Realm of the undead? Most probably from WarCraft 3. The undead is my favourite .... er type. Though humans are the strongest but the undead is much much cooler. The units, especially. So yeah ... I wanna make it sound cool and mysterious. Hence, Pathogenic Realm of the Undead. Guess it means that the world of the undead is filled with pathogens, which is kinda true aye? Corpses, decomposed ... bacteria, insects eating your flesh away ... Hmm, Resident Evil! This fridae, damn, I have chalet! Hopefully, I'll be able to watch it.
Nyte-nyte, hopefully I'll have nice dreams or any dreams for that matter, that I am able to remember. Which I often do. Hehehee. =)) No matter how weird the dream is, its still one of my favourite hobby, if you can call that. lol.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 11:06 PM
+ + +
Sigh, I had wanted to write sooo much but then I remembered that I only have sooo little time. So here I am, only able to leave a short message. Hope you guys like the new layout. The spiderman's was ok, simple and nice but the codes are kinda confusing and complicated. Too many codes.. #_# just for the side bar. I kinda like this one, gives a feeling of vintage, and its greenish! If only it was more centred.
See you all later, next week perhaps, I'm back to try and finish my report now. And will be facing 3 more tests this coming week. And 3 MORE tests the coming week. It seems like the remaining school weeks before the exams will be filled with tests and more tests. However, I kinda prefer it this way, rather than just one week dedicated to tests. Though it might be easier but I suppose you'll have more practice this way? Just my humble opinion. And its asking you to know how to plan your time well to balances out everything, tests, reports and maybe some presentations. Though, I always have problem planning my time! Hahaa... I like to plan but to follow? That's a whole lot of another thing.
P.S: Haven't added the codes for the comments box yet, will add that another time.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:25 PM
+ + + Saturday, March 06, 2004
A colourful snack, whereby when you eat it, it'll change your tounge colour. It looks normal, but once its in contact with water or saliva, boom! it'll become one of these three colour, green, blue or orange.
Perhaps you may find me childish because of this pic. But hey, its me! As you can see, that's my fave pc game, some mini disney cups, a toy SIMBA (coolest cartoon movie EVER!), other lion king toys, a fake plant and 2 beakers, which is cracked due to my carelessness during ITP. Heh.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 5:47 PM
+ + +
Hmm this is my pride and joy! My NGage and XBox, and yeah I still own the old PS. ;)
I love to take photos, tho' I'm rather shy to be in one or to take out my cam in public for that matter, but this was taken in a supermarket, I find it very colourful. A whole array of different types of chilli sauce!
I know it's kinda messy but I'm just putting up my pic anywhere that suits. Anyway this is how the screen of my Ngage looks like. =)
flaming notes by HyperHikari 5:43 PM
+ + + Friday, March 05, 2004
Ok more pictures taken at the chalet! Well, that has me in it! Haha, next ones will be no me. ^_^
Me and LayChin, I think the background constructing thingy spoiled the pic! It was a windy sunny dae..
Oh so not a flattering picture of me. Too windy!!!
I look like I got no legs! 'Cos I was spreading my legs (ehmm..) to balanced myself out. The other 2 are Jean(L)and Joanna(R) = the 2 monkeys.
Me and my year one classmate who got into the same option as me. She and her see-through top. O_O
flaming notes by HyperHikari 9:55 PM
+ + + Wednesday, March 03, 2004
How's the long post to compensate all this time of abandon blog? =))
flaming notes by HyperHikari 10:05 PM
+ + +
What happened during the chalet ...
There were about 21 of us who went NIGHT cycling! It's kinda cool~ Took us about 3 hours or so. We went cycling to both ends of east coast. We left at around 8+ pm after eating some bbq food, which I honestly didn't eat much. I wish I did though! The chicken oh-look-so-fantabulously-deliciously-nice... too bad to me then. We arrived back 'home' at around 12 mid-night! Wish I had my cam with me. But kinda troublesome to bring along when cycling, unless if you have some small bag to hang it on or something. Anyway, we rented the bike for $10, with suspension $13, from 6pm to 10:30 am the next dae. Some uses the double bike cos they do not know how to cycle. One of my friend fell and hurt her knee. Not that bad but hell, she was noisyyyy. Can't really blame her lah, some people just can't take pain, even if it was only a small one.
Planned to play minigolf at Lilliputt the next dae but I guess we were kinda tired. But I still am kinda up for it. Even though my legs were in pain. Muscle strained after the cycling I guess, not to mention my butt as well!!! My palms were not feeling too good either, 'cos of the hard bike handles. And arm strain 'cos of the distance between the handle and the seat.
Didn't sleep! Well, I slept for ... not even an hour! That was around 4+ am after playing Silent Hill with my friends. One of my friend was really scared playing it that we ask this other guy to play it while we watched. Heheee. He was nice enough to entertain us! Hahaa. He and that friend of mine didn't sleep for the entire time till the next dae! Actually, I couldn't sleep too, but I was kinda bored... so forced myself to sleep. Roughly about 30-45 mins? After that it was 5+ am and some of my friends were back from their morning walk ar 6 am. Wanted to follow! But I was sleeping and they didn't want to disturb me. Haiizzz..
The chalet became like a gambling den. Mahjong, poker, bla bla bla. Hahaha. Didn't play any of 'em though, I didn't know how to! Wanted to learn though, but didn't wanna disturb their game.
After that me, Joanna (the one who got scared), that guy and my class rep went to have breakfeast at McDonald's. Ate the Spanish Omelette Bagel meal. Not bad, hard bread. Joanna was sleepy and we then sat at McCafe and talk while she sleeps. I guess the BOTH McD's there open 24 hours. The Double Chocolate drink was rather nice, felt like I was in a chocolate heaven. Hehee. Then we met some of our friends who just woke up at McD. But we left before them to check out the Lilliputt. Cannot tahan my legs, was forcing myself to cycle. But I managed to reach back at our chalet!!!
Spent most of the second dae at the other class' chalet. Then we played PlayStation, the BishiBashi game and BlankPoint2. Drink ... play, drink, play. Then I went up with my friends to the girls room and finally fell asleep. Since there were 2 classes, our chalet is side by side, having that, we separated; girls and guys. Well, I don't think it was a peaceful sleep. The only peaceful sleep was like 5-10 mins. The rest was me half-asleep, half-awake, cos they were noisy, talk talk in the room. Chinese talk, don't understand anyways. The total "sleep", if you might call that, was roughly an hour. So yeah that means not even 2 hours of sleep the whole time I was there!!!
Then I changed and joined the other class's bbq and ate some of their stuff. We then took photos at the beach. Nothing much happened after that. Their class tutor came and we left. No one's staying overnight for the last night there, so they're booking out that night. Early uh. Well, I guess no one wants to wake up early the next dae ... Though, I WAS thinking to overnight ...
Ours was a double-storey not so big chalet. I don't like the toileeeeeeeettt and bathroom!!! Felt sooooooo stuffy! Then the toilet hard to flush. Prefer Downtown East's. HaHAhahaa. Though, I do like the space, bedroom upstairs, living room below, not mixed together. But I kinda like having a tv in the bedroom, which they don't have. Downtown East's is a mixed of both so we are able to watch tv on bed. Btw, there's no arcade at East Coast!
flaming notes by HyperHikari 4:36 PM
+ + +
What about this one? Anyone noticed the coconut? I feel that it gives off an effect of some sort.

flaming notes by HyperHikari 4:06 PM
+ + +
I really like this photo. If only there were no ships in the background. It just goes to show that Singapore is always a busy place. Nice aye? I'd say so myself. ;) Heh.

flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:56 PM
+ + +
Ah shyte, I think I'm gonna be sick. Been sneezing and sneezing and sneezing ... *Aaacchhooo!* I hope I won't be sick nooo... well I guess its better that its during the holiday time but I have 3 formal reports to hand in when school reopens, which is less than a week!
Btw, how's my new blog layout? Downloaded it from the spiderman webby. I am NOT THAT crazy over spiderman 2. But I find that its simple, nice and ain't too dark either. Spent quite some time editing some of the html codes. Kinda complicated (to me anyway). Noticed that it has some errors. I wonder what it is? Lazy to check lahhh.
Woah hasn't been updating since ... last year! Well, I'm back! Kinda lazy to update. Will try not to be so lazy ok?
flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:45 PM
+ + +