Monday, October 27, 2003
Oke, now I know where I'm posted at, Paya Ubi Ind Park.
So my friend ask, Where's that?
My answer : Behind Paya lebar beside Ubi. Ehm ... Well, its true!
I've seen it before, not really a desireable place, but what choice do
I have? It looks kinda scary too actually . . . Think I'm gonna bring a
pen-knife along. *glance around*
My mum said, most probably its gonna be hard finding food there.
Thank god its fasting month! Heh. Well, after that? Ehm ... home-made
food, packed?
God, where the heck is my LO? Is he not coming to school or what. It
seems saturday is the only option . . . *prays he's there*
Pay is not bad, well its a bit more than I had expected, though my friend
was grumbling at how can she survive. Babe, it's more than enough, just
don't spend it on Prada, Gucci and stuffs Oke?
Bus trip, and most of you would know by now, how I dread bus trips.
*moans and groans.
Bus concession here I come!
flaming notes by HyperHikari 11:11 PM
+ + + Sunday, October 26, 2003
I'm supposed to study !
But the weekend has passed with me enjoying myself by sleeping
and playing games.
Well, the weekend is when you enjoy yourself . . .
flaming notes by HyperHikari 11:55 PM
+ + +
*screams in frustration*
How could this happen? Out of sync error ?! God!
I was winning that damn game. Me, Ra vs Isis.
Whyyyyyy???!!! *sobs* :'(
And I could have gotten 1675 as rating! Ough man!
Is it deliberate? 'Cos it's possible for the opponent
to create out of sync, well in AoE/C ... not sure of AoM.
*goes into frustration mode.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 5:13 PM
+ + + Saturday, October 25, 2003
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:36 AM
+ + +
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:35 AM
+ + +
Added a song, though its not that clear.
Hope its Oke though, not too loud I hope? Heh.
Too many hope in a sentence. This only goes to
show how hopeful I am.
If any of you have any ideas on where to upload
pics and link 'em - for free. Please, do tell me!
Yahoo briefcase ain't working properly. Though
I can see the pics, they complain that
they only see boxes with 'x' in it. Well, =X.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:33 AM
+ + +
Added a song, though its not that clear.
Hope its Oke though, not too loud I hope? Heh.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:30 AM
+ + + Thursday, October 23, 2003
 You are a Dark Mask, the fourth class of vampire. You can adapt easily to any climate and situation. Your servants are few, mostly because you choose not to sire others. Your chief ability is shiftery-- you can become anyone or anything. Overall, you are a great person. Keep us guessing.
What class of vampire are you? (some new images) brought to you by Quizilla
flaming notes by HyperHikari 11:09 PM
+ + +
 You are Form 5, Dragon: The Weaver.
"And The Dragon seperated the virtuous from the sinful. He tore his eyes from his sockets and used them to peer into the souls of those on trial to make a judgement. He knew that with endless knowledge came endless responsibility."
Some examples of the Dragon Form are Athena (Greek), St. Peter (Christian), and Surya (Indian).
The Dragon is associated with the concept of intelligence, the number 5, and the element of wood.
His sign is the crescent moon.
As a member of Form 5, you are an intelligent and wise individual. You weigh options by looking at how logical they are and you know that while there may not always be a right or wrong choice, there is always a logical one. People may say you are too indecisive, but it's only because you want to do what's right. Dragons are the best friends to have because they're willing to learn.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
flaming notes by HyperHikari 10:57 PM
+ + +
Wow! Oke, what a description of myself. ' A creator and a destroyer? '
Sounds like a baddie to me. *oops*
 Sunset - You are the spark of inspiration, the fuel of the imagination, and the essence of destruction. You are one of intense emotion and passion, a creator and a destroyer.
When are you? brought to you by Quizilla
flaming notes by HyperHikari 10:48 PM
+ + + Tuesday, October 21, 2003
I think I'm going to be sick. *sneeze*
AAAaaaccchhhoooo !!!!!!
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:01 PM
+ + +
Argh, I lose. I suck at AoM !!!
Nooooooooooo ! Don't give up. Have to try and get back to
being 1690 again! But it's hard . . .
Well, life ain't easy. Face it.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:43 AM
+ + + Monday, October 20, 2003
Nothing much to add, 'cept that I'm feeling rather down . . .
But the 'outing' today made me forget about it. The studying helps,
as it brings me to another world, a world filled with BIA, lol.
Bedok library has this time limit for studying. *DAMN* What weekend
no study, that's fine. But weekdays from opening hours till 1pm then
NO studying allowed till 5 pm to 9 pm. They gave me the leaflet when
I entered the building AND they pasted it onto the tables. *gosh*
I was thinking of staying in the library for the whole day, or well at
least till 5 p.m. or something! Going Mc tomorrow! ( I think )
Got this bite 2 days ago, it seems to worsen. *worries* Hope it's not
an infection, but it looked like its 'burned' - not sure of the correct word
to use. But something like, perhaps the bite contains acid which in turn,
worsen it, kinda burned by the acid. But hey, these are all speculation.
It sure is turning red and its a bump with two small dots. And itchy!!!
Hope it goes away soon, I've applied Dettol soap, honey, oatmeal (?~).
Game now! Ehehe, wish me luck! = )
flaming notes by HyperHikari 11:16 PM
+ + + Sunday, October 19, 2003
Had a few nice game today. We (me and Mattieehh) won! Both Zeus,
those FM-ed Myrmidons helped, a lot! And my new 'strategy' or so-called,
to make hippikons and archers instead of hoplites. It worked! Well,
most of the time . . .
Going to try that hipp + tox combo in a rated game in a few minutes time!
Going Bedok Library tomorrow. *yawnz*
Pray I won't fall asleep @ the library tomorrow.
Good night everyone! Sweet dreams!
flaming notes by HyperHikari 10:44 PM
+ + +
Feels a like a walking zombie. Not enough sleep. Feels like sleeping
again !!! I feel like sleeping for the whole day . . .
Hope I'll survive tomorrow and won't fall asleep in the library.
Gotta do some BIA papers and revise for Polychem.
Hopefully, I can find someone for tuesday ... but it seems not. Maybe
I can try to study by myself, eh ... I'll fall asleep defenitely.
See you in WCG 2004 @ San Francisco, damn they beat us, Milan and
Sydney! And pg_fire of Germany won AoM beating IamShiautz! Was
suprised at how quickly he gave up after watching the recorded games.
I want to play AoM . . .
flaming notes by HyperHikari 12:28 PM
+ + + Saturday, October 18, 2003
Oke ... I SHOULD HAVE STUDIED !!! God! Hope I won't fail. If so, it's my
own fault. *sigh* Sleepy now + headache.
See you all in my dreamland.
Btw, 6 p.m is the closing ceremony of WCG 2003.
Wouldn't wanna miss that !!!
You'll have to register to view the LIVE video coverage with english
flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:06 PM
+ + + Friday, October 17, 2003
WOAHAHAHA!!! Had a couple of online games of AoM. Coincidently,
I got the same player twice. First time he beat me. He was Ra and
I was Zeus in both games. He fast heroic-ed. So, when I meet him
again in the second game, I knew he would fast heroic. It was
Midgard (map). Maybe one of the biggest mistake he made was that
he never fish, and oh maybe because he gave me time. *winks*
And I know he won't immediately attacked either, so I decided to
do a fast mythic at 13th minute (ok, not so fast but ... =P). So
when I reached mythic, I spammed MYRMIDONS like maaaddd! And
we all know that they have bonus attack against Eggies (and Norse).
He didn't have much army, sure he have a few petsuchos (that I fall
victim to during the last game) but I had Bellerophon! Muwahaha.
Strongest greek hero. Made a portal BEHIND him, did a suprise
attack. He was gone. My dear myrmidons kept coming and coming
vs his axemen and chariot archers and petsuchos. However, I think
another advantage was that I was bigger in number.
Here are pictures of my two 'heroes'. Belleraphon (only one - top) and the
Myrmidon (unique to Zeus - had an army - don't you think they look
like they are wearing US flag as the uniform? hmm).
My rating was dropped to 1605. And since I won to a higher rating
person (1658). Now my rating is 1640. *smiles widely*
Ah but this was luck . . .
flaming notes by HyperHikari 3:36 PM
+ + +
Watched a recorded game by a finalist of WCG 2003 in AoM.
Taipei vs Russia. IamShautz is the winner of course, he's the
taiwanese. He's set, opponent Poseidon. It wasn't clear though,
so I'm not sure when he advanced and stuff. You know what I
noticed? He send a vill or two, to create mills around the goldmines
available on the map. Guess he's protecting it and preventing
direct mining from the opponent. Sneaky move, IF the enemy
doesn't notice you that is. One good point is that he was an Eggy,
thus free mills/mine. And I think he might be the champion of
WCG 2003. =)
Currently, I am watching Warcraft III being played on WCG 2003,
LIVE. They are fighting for 3rd place. Ah it seems like the Romanian
won. Coming next is FIFA 2003. Watched a FIFA match yesterday, the
commentator make it sound sooo real. I felt like I was watching
a real match, the graphics make it look real too.
I'm envious.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 2:22 PM
+ + +
Had a few games. Rating down to 1630 or something, from 1691. *gosh*
I guess Ireally do suck. And I lose to those who have lower rating than
mine, one with equalrating. However, I think the main reason to me
losing to the lower rating is because of me giving them time to build.
Guess I'm too nice uh?
Hate norseeeee !!! Loki, Odin, Thor - whoever!
Then again, its just me. Practice, practice, practice.
It is so hard . . .
Too slow with Loki, can't rush with Set, undefended with Zeus,
wrong army with Ra.
Than who should I be?
Practice . . . again, it seems.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 1:56 AM
+ + + Thursday, October 16, 2003
Back! Something to add. I watched Underworld last thursday. Not saying
its bad or anything. But the show didn't leave any lasting impression on
me. It was like, I go in - watch - eat - watch - leave. It's just that.
Vampires vs Lycans. I like Victor's cape though. Looks cool, authentic
and mysterious. They have perhaps some cool fighting scene but it looks
normal to me. Maybe I expected too much.
Now, Van Helsing sounds nice too, have to wait for next year. Ooo and
House of the dead - a shooting zombie game available at arcade, a friend
commented it as a horrible show. Coming to Singapore soon.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 8:15 PM
+ + +
Had PI (Process Instrumentation) test on wednesday. I gave up, but
wishes to pass. How's that possible? In my dreams of course. *haiz*
Still thinking about n-gage. If only Raiskinen was my uncle or
something (he's the boss of Nokia).
Gaming console are very tempting.
Btw, tomorrow is the 17th, it's the official release date here for
AoM:TT. *excited* But I can't get it. AARRGGHH! Exams just around
the corner, now THAT I wouldn't want to screw up. So, we shall see
about it. Most probably I might go to some shops to check out the
packaging and price. *grins*
Another test coming up on saturday. Now, that I have nothing to say
about. Don't really understand 2 of the 4 chapters. And the other 2?
Calculations, wow, maths are my *best* subject. The test is of the
module, Environmental Studies A.
For now, I shall have a game before night begins.
flaming notes by HyperHikari 7:14 PM
+ + +